SOLID - Systems essary and cooled - Automatic glass doors
Systems essary and cooled Systems essary and cooled

Systems essary and cooled

Systems essary and cooled firm Gaze Preface Maintenance and repair Under the Rules of construction (MBO) developers or owners are basically obligation to provide adequate maintenance and repair since construction "facilities ...() must be so available to build, modify and maintain so as not to endanger public security and order, especially life health and natural resources for subsistence. Do not use building products without adequate support and repair. (Cf. § 3 para. 1 and 2 of the Rules of construction).
Developer or entity is required to perform self-maintenance maintenance and inspection. All elmenti the structure should be checked regularly for damage or deformations. User facility-sary and cooled (RWA) shall take all neohodimi precautions to prevent danger to persons and property located in the building. While ensuring the reliability of functional facilities-sary and cooled by running regular maintenance, the user decisively reduces the actual risk of damage and while their risk of liability in case of injury. So it can record at any time that it has complied Soweto obligation to maintain the facility and Dimo-cooled (RWA) in readiness for the implementation and operation.

Choice of regulations and laws
Constitution Art. 2:
"Everyone has the right to bodily integrity." Rules of construction (MBO) § 3, para. 1 (version of November 2002) "The facilities should also be located, constructed, altered and maintained so as not to endanger the public security and order, especially the life, health and natural resources for subsistence. " Rules of construction (MBO) § 14 (version of November 2002) "Construction equipment must also be located, constructed, altered and maintained so as to prevent occurrence of fire and the spread of fire and smoke (fire spreading), a fire may be possible rescue people and animals as well as effective working on extinguishing the fire. " DIN VDE 0833-1 (5.3.4 / 2003) "Maintenance work should be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, depending on spetsiikata of, but at least once a year. " DIN 18 232 Part 2 (version of November 2007) Chimney structures, and their triggering and control units, units to open, power supply cables and accessories must be checked at regular intervals by the manufacturer, normally once a year funktsonalna condition and ready for operation, to perform technical maintenance or repair if necessary the same. Inspections and maintenance work are highlighted journal for the tests. The tests should be performed only by specialized firms, qualified diootvezhdashti installations.

Ordinance to control internal building systems
In addition to regular annual maintenance work-sary and toplootvodni systems (RWA) in section construction equipment called a special look and special applications, eg. business buildings, places of public gatherings, large garages, should be inspected every three years by a licensed pursuant to construction legislation or by the expert for construction supervision. An essential prerequisite for these studies was legally required regular maintenance. Company performing maintenance work, in principle, the user undertakes to provide for testing equipment suitable qualified personnel in the face of technical expert. Arrangements for testing of technical equipment of the individual federal states are particularly set out the requirements for the maintenance and repair.